Building a Hugo Website

This tutorial acts as a guide for creating static websites with Hugo.

There are three main reasons I would like to start this series with a website tutorial. 1. A website allows you to communicate to world the easiest - especially communicating your work through your own personal website 2. If you host your website on Github, this is an excellent way to learn how to use Git. 3. Understanding how to use git and being able to build a website allows you to collaboratively build content. We can build anything together!

Prerequisites/ Installs


Part 0 - Getting ready and brushing up on Unix

Part 1 - Building a website with Hugo

Part 2 - Hosting on Github

Part 0 - Getting ready and brushing up on Unix

I like to give the minimal amount of commands to get going on using something. I will add more as we need them. But as of now, these are the three main commands you need.

Those are the three main commands, we will add some more later.

Part 1 - Building a static website with Hugo.

There are two main types of websites on the Internet, static websites and dynamic websites. Static website are composed of content that is fixed, the user cannot add or remove anything to the website. The files of the website and what the user sees will not fundamentally change in reaction to the website viewer. A dynamic website is one in which the user can interact, like inputing information about the user or playing a game, any website that collects user inputted information is dynamic website.

We will be making a static website with a static website generator called Hugo. Let’s just build one and after we can start poking around to see what Hugo actually does.

  1. Follow this tutorial: Quick Start
  2. Change the theme by picking your favorite theme here

Part 1 Tips

Part 2 - Hosting on Github (in progress)

There are several ways to achieve this and unfortutley, with Hugo, it is a bit complicated. It is easier with another Static Website Generator Jekyll, but building those websites is harder. You win some you lose some.


Getting started with git

Let’s get started with some basic git commands. There are three stages to getting something onto Github. These are the main commands for going through those stages:

  1. Tracking: git add .
  2. Commiting git commit -m "message describing changes"
  3. Pushing git push origin master

Then, there are a few more commands that are useful

alt text

Make our first commit and push

Now go ahead and do the above. Check you can see all your code on Github.

Host your website

Now comes the time to host your website. There are many ways to do this, but I am going to start with the most simple way. I basically am just following this tutorial.

  1. Change our config.toml file to read: publishDir = "docs"
  2. Run hugo -D. This should build your entire website into the /docs folder.
  3. Push your master branch to the remote repository: git push origin master
  4. On the Github website, choose the docs/ folder as the website source of your repo. Do the following from within your GitHub project: Go to Settings → GitHub Pages From Source, select “master branch /docs folder”. If the option isn’t enabled, you likely do not have a docs/ folder in the root of your project.
  5. You now should have a message saying “Your site is published at
  6. Copy that site name and enter it into your config.toml file as baseURL = "
  7. Then go through the three commands for getting something on Github (add, commit, push).
  8. Check that URL ( on any browser. Warning it may take up to 3 minutes before you see it or any changes that you make.

That should work, but likely didn’t. If no, don’t fret, we will figure it out!

Making changes to your website

Now everything is all set up for your website, so you have to do minimal work to update your site! Just follow the three steps below.

  1. Make change to your file on your local computer
  2. Build your website: hugo -D
  3. Git add, commit, push